CrimDell SBN offers free resources to the community:
CrimDell offers free business tools to support small businesses and entrepreneurs. Our business analysts are working on tools such as Cash Flow Forecast and Project Management Tools. We will have more updates soon!
We organize online free interactive, hands-on virtual webinars and networking sessions geared toward small-business owners within the Greater Williamsburg Area.
We send a bimonthly newsletter with curated content. You can sign up for our free newsletter, where you will learn more about our updates, business tools, interesting topics and information related to our community.
Business Tools
More info soon!
Events & Webinars

CrimDell Conversations
The CrimDell Conversation Series is free, interactive, hands-on Zoom networking session geared toward small business owners within the Greater Williamsburg Area moderated by W&M faculty, W&M Executive Partners, and W&M Business Students.
Each series session focusses on:
Mini-lectures from business experts customized to local small businesses
Business owners are grouped into small discussion rooms with experienced business professionals, and facilitators, where they are encouraged to reflect on the lessons learned and worked together to come up with actionable strategies
Miss the last CrimDell Conversation?

Upcoming Events:
Finance Series: How to Finance Your Business Venture
10:00 am EST | August 17, 2021
Find out about the different resources available to finance your business
Learn the difference between Debt Financing and Equity Financing
Understand the difference between Personal Credit and Business Credit
Engage in Entrepreneurship: WBC Orientation & SBA Web Resource Training
02:00pm EST | August 17, 2021
Join the Women's Business Center at ODU Institute at Innovation & Entrepreneurship to discuss available resources to help launch, grow and sustain your business.
You'll also learn to think through identifying your target market(s) and how to reach them, and determine where you need to focus your attention so you can start your entrepreneurial roadmap to success.
Previous Webinars
Tage Talks Business, featuring Jim Carroll
Jim Carrol, Executive Director of the Hampton Roads Small Business Development Center, discusses the Center’s resources, expectations of entrepreneurs and their new business ideas, pivoting during COVID, and the need for professionals to adapt in today’s business environment.